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During this academic year, the students will explore Africa. Small groups of students will complete in-depth studies of individual countries - from past to present - and post their learning (via videos, links, art projects, online quizzes) on this wiki. The students will then come together to have a summit as "representatives" from their respective countries to discuss solutions to the challenges facing Africa.
Hi, All - I am excited that we will get to use this Wiki to study Africa - please note that it is just for the Africa expedition. Please do not create any pages without a teacher's approval. Thanks!
Comments (4)
Jackie Gerstein, Ed.D. said
at 9:54 am on Sep 12, 2010
Hi, All - I am excited that we will get to use this Wiki to study Africa - please note that it is just for the Africa expedition. Please do not create any pages without a teacher's approval. Thanks!
michael a. said
at 3:50 pm on Sep 21, 2010
Hey! This is quite a scary story from my Country(Dem. republic of Congo)! Take a look! http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/7724088.stm
michael a. said
at 4:21 pm on Sep 21, 2010
Also any good research sites? I am havign trouble finding good ones now...
michael a. said
at 10:29 am on Sep 28, 2010
whats wrong with the front page?
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