The Tanzanian Embassy* now presents an officialPresentation on the state of TanzaniaAs a nation of 40M people, Tanzania is in the bottom 10% of world economies, but getting better. As a 45 year old nation,the nation is doing better than most other 45 year old African nationwould be. The government is satisfactory, but could be improved upon.There are elections, as Tanzania is a democracy, but the elections areirregular. It is a Swahili speaking country, but with English being used in higher education and in the government. The famous Mount Kilimanjaro towers the northeast part of the country. Also, the crater Ngorongo made from a volcano, is sunken deep into the ground.Healthcare is satisfactory for an African nation. The economy isalso satisfactory, however, 50+% of the economy is based on agriculture, causing worries. The climate ranges from the tallest mountain in Africa to an island off at sea. Its religion is mostlyChristian, with no major tribes in the area.please check to make sure.This picture is of the crater Ngorongo Dan Heller has taken many beautiful pictures of Tanzania. He has a wonderful website with many photographs of other parts of Africa.http://danheller.comthe Tanzanian FlagThe Tanzanian Flag's colors represent:Green: The LandGold: The Mineral WealthBlack: The Peopleand Blue: The Adjoining Sea.The president of Tanzania is Jakaya Kikwete. He has created a great impact on Tanzania and is building them back up to strength.
Most women in Tanzania have a lower standard of living than men.
Three women relax in Tanzania. Successful women from ruling families that can enjoy the same privileges as men.
Katelyn's Tanzanian Mask
Artist Statement The Mask of Tanzania
By: Katelyn Powell
The flag, the freedom. The pain, the suffering. The hope, the people, and the admirable colors of their flag that lay across the face of Tanzania, so that they may know who they are. The brilliant blue, representing the fearless, adjoining sea. The green land of the jungles and trees, shrinking each day. Black; the wonderful, beautiful people. Gold, representing the mineral wealth. The flag of Germany, perched on the head of Tanzania’s mask, so that they may remember who fought for them against Germany in those times. The rival, the enemy, who captured the poor country and scarred Tanzania’s grounds forever. The country Tanzania standing so beautifully on the mask as the ruffled shape of the country outlines the solemn mask of Tanzania.
Of Desperate Hope and Courage By: Katelyn P.
I am a country of desperate hope and courage I smell the hard work and the games of tag drifting away in the invisible breeze as though it belongs I hear the cries and laughs, the hurt and the happy, all laid out on a flat surface of difference I am a country of desperate hope and courage
Sometimes I feel a deep emotion that plummets all the way down to the bottom of my heart, making me think of what it’s like if I were among those of starvation and death, wondering when I would reach a safe destination I solemnly touch the ground, the same one which millions of bleeding, courageous feet have walked on, hoping… My eyes drift to the top of the unbearable heights of Mount Kilimanjaro, to the grasp of the crater Ngorongo I want to hike to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and look, look upon the souls of those who walk so far and moan with grief and pain that drills into their souls I want to see the faces of those small poor children, running on the long, endless plains of starvation and sickness, and wonder why they must fight to survive I worry for the hearts of those with malaria or AIDS, every heart slowly beating a unique different pace I cry for the millions that walk, never ceasing, worrying that if they do, they might never move again I solemnly touch the ground, the same one which millions of bleeding, courageous feet have walked on, hoping… I am a country of desperate hope and courage I understand the happiness of the children tossing their savage balls back and forth with their naked feet, laughing and being grateful and happy for the lovely things that they have I say that freedom has won. The British couldn’t help but let us to be free when we were theirs Freedom will win throughout all of Africa someday On cold starry nights, I dream that no one will run No one from the tip of the sun that slowly melts over the flat surface of the earth to the cold, dark moon that creeps in slowly every night I wonder if the torturing flames of hunger and sickness could ever be washed away with a enormous wave of relief and freedom I hope that we can get through in the end I hope that everyone will finish with joyful hearts someday To the end of my last days, I hope that we will end well as brothers and sisters All together as one I am Tanzania.
Artist's Statement
Websites on Tanzania
This website allows access to see updates on Tanzania and many, many other African countries!
This site is the official national website of Tanzania. This site overviews Tanzania very well and will give you unique information of Tanzania's great history.
This wonderful site is about Tanzania's National Parks. You can learn specific information about the individual parks. This website also gives a brief overview of the famous Mount Kilimanjaro!
This site gives a wonderful overview of Arusha, Tanzania. It will explain the beautiful wild life and mountains about Tanzania!
Further Questions for Research
1. What help does Tanzania get from other countries? 2. What is Tanzania focusing on right now? 3. Does a country have any control on Tanzania right now? 4. If so, what country?
Please feel free to answer any of these questions above!
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