

Page history last edited by alyssar 14 years, 3 months ago

Mad For Morocco 


by Alyssa R. and Travis Y. 


     On this page you will learn all about the beautiful country of Morocco. I will give a quick overview of some of the most important facts on this page. Morocco's Population is 31,285,174. Some of the many branches of Arabic are: Hassaniyya Arabic,Judeo-Moroccan Arabic, Standard Arabic,Moroccan Sign Language,Spanish,Tachelhit, Central Atlas tamazight, and Tarafit. Morocco was colonized in 1912 by France. Morocco became independent on March 2nd, 1956. There are many diseases that you can catch in Morocco, just a few of them are: Typhoid Fever, Cholera, Relapsing Fever, and Hepatitis B. This is just a sneak peek at what you will learn about Morocco on this page.  


Morocco has many many interesting and exotic animals. Although there are so many there are even more endangered species. Some of these endangered species are: The Barbary Leopard, the Waldrop, the Mediterranean monk seal, the Barbary, Hyena, the Curviers Gazelle, and the Spanish Imperial Eagle.

Some of the surviving species of animals in Morocco are: Wajers, Woodpeckers, Spoonbills, Flamingos, Egyption Cobras, golden Jackals, Red Foxes, Leopards, Barbary Monkeys, Elephants, Squirrels, and Butterflies.


Some fun facts about Morocco!

~Morocco uses the metric system

~Morocco is on Greenwhich mean time. This means that the time does not change all year.

~The total  population of Morocco is 31,285,174 (As of July 2010)

~There are many famous writers that come from Morocco.

~Morocco was colonized by France and Spain. 

~The average life span of people in Morocco is 71.8 years  



~Morocco's currency is the Dirham. One dirham is equal to .121221 US Dollars




~Morocco is bordered by Algeria, Western Sahara, and Spain.

~The climate in Morocco is hot and dry for most of the year but for the period of November through March it is cooler and wet.

~The bodies of water in or around Morocco are: The Atlantic Ocean, The Gilbratar Strait, The Mediterranean Sea, and The Sebour River.

~Part of the Sahara dessert is in Morocco

~ Some of the Mountains in Morocco are: Amtoudi Peak, The Chefchaouen Mountains, Settifatma, The Tafraoute Mountains, The Oregano Mountains, The TanTan Mountains, andthe Sarhro Mountains.



~The crime in Morocco is a big problem. There are many precautions like "Don't jog by yourself." or "Don't be alone at night." Many are just common sense but should still be followed.

~In some parts of Morocco things are very unsafe for women. They are sometimes attacked. Some girls can't go to school because it is unsafe or them to walk alone.

~Morocco's crime rate rose 3.46% in 2009



More than 99% of Moroccans are Sunni Muslims.



The languages of morocco are Arabic, Hassaaniyya Arabic, Judeo Arabic, Standard Arabic, Moroccan Sign Language, Spanish, Tachelhit, Central Atlas Tamazight, and Tarifit.   



Here are some pictures of just a few animals from Morocco!


  Barbary Monkey









   Mediterranean Monk Seal






                  Artist Statement

                 by:Travis y


The green and white blend like the dirt and water of morocco’s shores. This mask represents the things that the people in morocco cherish and love. The torch is used to represent the energy and how happy and caring the people are for each other. The badge on my face is the face of the wildlife conservation society. My trees are used for the endangered species forests that hold thousands of undiscovered and discovered endangered species. The green flag with the red star is the symbol of my country. Orange yellow and red are used as the colors of this festive loving country that everyone should be aware of it as morocco.               



 Mask of Travis Y.


                                                         Artist Statement

By: Alyssa Reichel

     Symbols can mean anything. A single picture may be looked over by one person but for someone else it could mean the world.  My mask has many meaningful symbols that show the best and the not-so-great things about Morocco. The two eyes are very important. One eye is a sun and the other is a raindrop. I chose the placement here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4PYoTV_jMQ because I thought that it would make it look half and half. For most of the year in Morocco it is hot and dry, and for the period of November through March it is cooler and wet. The constitution and the monarch butterfly are there because Morocco is a constitutional monarchy. I put this on the cheek because that is around the middle of the mask. The government type is a very important feature of a country so I thought that that would be a good spot for it. The mask also has many symbols that are not as important as the ones listed above, but are still significant. The welcome mat and the present symbolize the custom that when you go and visit someone’s house you should bring a gift with you. The sword is for history. It symbolizes the many, many wars that have occurred in Morocco. The flamingo is one of the numerous species of exotic animals that they have in Morocco. The throne represents Morocco’s national holiday, Throne Day. Finally the caution tape symbolizes the high crime rate in Morocco. I chose tan for the main color of the mask because of all the dessert. So the symbols on my mask are not just pictures that are looked over. They all have a reason behind them, and now you know what that is.


     Alyssa's Mask




The Good and the Bad


The sun beats down upon the blistering sands of the Sahara

On the other side of the country the crystal clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea gently lap against the shore

Leopards, Flamingos and other exotic animals prowl everywhere

Although it looks beautiful, it’s not perfect

Crime lurks in the streets

Corruption is fought off like an angry mob

Wildlife is vanishing

There is an extensive list of diseases you can catch

But for every flaw, there is something wonderful

Exciting dishes like Tagine and couscous

The mumble of many different versions of Arabic engulf you

The Tafraoute Mountains make a towering wall around you

Attractions surrounding you

Welcomes aren’t the only exchanges when you visit a friend

There are People with great stories to tell

  Something stunning everywhere you look

A surprise past every corner




       Morocco's Flag!






p1010114.jpg - Fruit and Vegetable market  A Moroccan fruit and Vegetable Market



  This is Casablanca one of the largest cities in Morocco.


Morocco's National Anthem

 Original Arabic Version

Hymne Cherifien

Manbit Allahrah
Masriq Alanwar
Munta da Alsu'dad Wahamah
Dumt Muntadah Wahamah
Isht Filawtan
Lilala Unwan
Mil' Kull Janaaan
Thikr Kull Lisan
Bilrooh Biljasad
Habba Fataak
Labbaa Nidaak
Fi Fammee Wa
Fi Dammee
Hawaak Thar
Noor Wa Naar
Ikhwatee Hayyaa
Lilala Saayeea
Nushid Addunya
Anna Huna Nuhayya
Bisha'aar Allah
AlWatan AlMalek.


English Translation

Fountain of Freedom, Source of Light
Where sovereignty and safety meet,
Safety and sovereignty May you ever combine!
You have lived among nations With title sublime,
Filling each heart, Sung by each tongue,
Your champion has risen And answered your call.
In my mouth And in my blood
Your breezes have stirred Both light and fire.
Up! my brethren, Strive for the highest.
We call to the world That we are here ready.
We salute as our emblem
God, Homeland, and King.

(from www.kbears.com/morocco/anthemtext.html


Further questions for research... 

~How was Morocco Colonized? 

~How did Morocco become independent? 

~What is the Main tribe of Morocco?  


Some links!  





Religions - Morocco http://www.nationsencyclopedia.com/Africa/Morocco-RELIGIONS.html#ixzz10r4dGTDe 





Comments (5)

Travis said

at 1:38 pm on Sep 28, 2010

The languages of morocco are arabic, hassaaniyya arabic, judeo arabic, standard arabic, moroccan sign language, spanish, tachelhit, tarifit.

alyssar said

at 11:43 am on Oct 3, 2010

Do you know what day Morocco was colonized?

Travis said

at 2:28 pm on Sep 28, 2010


michael a. said

at 4:10 pm on Sep 29, 2010

maybe but the info on the page??

Tess Joy said

at 6:26 pm on Sep 30, 2010

he is fine micheal. he dosnt have to do that right away. thats alot of languages travis.

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