

Page history last edited by Allison 14 years, 1 month ago



A Republic in Africa

Created by Jake S. and Allison W. 

 Drapeau du SénégalDrapeau du Sénégal


    The Republic of Senegal is a vast and mighty republic on the northwest coast of Africa. In this country there are a variety of geographical differences, one is the lompoul desert. This desert is big and in the center of senegal, but on the fringes are tropicol forests and vast savannahs. Also on the borders are the bustling cities of Dakar and Kolda. Dakar being the capital of this fine country.

     But throughout the rest of this country there are signs of the casamance conflict, a part of senegal that is declaring independance which it gained in 1960.Though this conflict is still going on it is on a very small scale, mainly political assasinations and violent crimes throughout, the main fighting is over. Senegal government type is a Democratic Republic. It was colonized by the French, hence why that is their main launguage. Other launguages spoke are Wolof (their main tribe), Pulaar, Jola, and Mandinka. The main religion is Muslim but Christianity is also practiced. The population is 13,711,597 even though it is about the size of South Dakota. Although unemployment is high and many are in poverty, Senegal has one of the region's more stable economy. Also Senegal is one worlds leading countries in HIV and AIDS development.   


Official Name: Republic of Senegal

Capital: Dakar

Government Type: Democratic Republic
Population:  13,711,597
Area: 76,000 square miles; about the size of South Dakota
Languages:French (official), Wolof, Pulaar, Jola, Mandinka
Literacy:Total Population: [39%] Male: [51%]; Female: [29%]
Year of Independence: 1960 


The information above was found in the Newyork Times website.

Aditional information was found at the BBC news website.


 Senegal's Coat of Arms


Map of Senegal was found on the CIA website 

Senegal's Coat of Arms was found at Google images.

by Jake and Allison

YouTube plugin error  

Some classy Senegal music that is culturally important found at youtube.


Jake's Senegal Mask 


Artist Statement

By Jake

The country of Senegal is vast and culturally diverse, but has many cultural interests and problems. I will start with the surface of my mask that is covered in the French flag. This is covered in the French flag to represent the background of Senegal which was colonized by the French; also the main language is French. The reason the blue part of the flag has a wavy edge is to represent the Atlantic ocean on the west side of the country. There is also a large red ribbon to represent the growing issue with AIDs and HIV that plagues this country. The tear in the eye is because of the sadness caused by the 22 years that Senegal has been at war for. The fish in the white is located high up to represent that fish is Senegal’s highest export and that it feeds and provides for many. The music note is for the high number of musicians that have come out of Senegal. The feathers on top represent the 82% of indigenous people that can be found in Senegal. The black cloth is a burka that represents the 94% of the people of Muslim religion. It also is a veil of mourning due to the high death rate. This is Senegal, the good and bad.



The Fears in the Corners

By Jake

Somewhere in Africa, there is a small country bordering the Atlantic Ocean

It has a dry season

Followed by a wet one

With the bustling crowded cities of Dakar and Kolda

And the vast lompoul desert

It is hard to believe that there is trouble, hidden the corners

But really this challenge is quite common

It’s called AIDs

AIDs plague over fifty thousand people and yet it continues to spread

It becomes more common every day, crippling this republic

Shortening the lifespan

But with AIDs comes war

War that has been lasting for twenty two years and terrorizing the public

It has caused numerous innocent deaths, but still it rages

But the fire of war is slowly dying as a peace treaty is near

The government that people voted for is working on a peace treaty that will extinguish the flame

The war continues, but so does everyday life

Groups of fisherman go out every day, trying to earn the Francs to support their families.

But it is still a question of whether it will be enough or not

For the republic of Senegal is crippled, but is recovering





         Artist Statement

by Allison Whitenack


This mask represents an amazing country with many different features. The handprint across the mask is a symbol of independence. The colors along with the star on the nose create the Senegalese flag. Also across the face is a crescent moon and beside it is a star. These make up the Muslim symbol, it is the main religion, and hence why it is so big. The second most commonly practiced religion is Christianity which is included with a cross on my left cheek. Notice that it is much smaller than the Muslim sign; this is because it is not as largely practiced. If you look, now, to the chin of the mask you will see a flag. This is the flag of the main tribe in Senegal, Wolof. It is there because the tribe is located near the bottom of Senegal. The black tear drop symbolizes the oil that the citizens cry for because it slips out of their hands with little money in exchange. Below the tear drop there is a sun and a leaf, these represent the tropical climate of Senegal. Feathers above the forehead of the mask are in the order and colors of the flag. Their placement represents what the mask is about. Senegal is not one of the most recognized countries in Africa but it is a very interesting and unique country.




A Small, Forgotten Country

By Allison Whitenack


I have bountiful wildlife

I wonder why others are not cognizant of me, I have beauty that others do not

I hear the birds calling to one another, “Look out, the leopard is on the prowl.”

I see oil, oozing out of my reach to be sold to the ungrateful.

I want air that you can inhale without feeling like you are breathing in chicken broth

I am angelic


I feel glad that it is possible for over 40 languages can coexist

I touch my French antecedents that colonized me

I smell raw meat sizzling on the fire of the Wolof tribe, so many mouths to feed

I worry that my government will become unstable

I cry that Muslims are not welcomed in other cultures

I am unique superior to all  


I understand my peoples’ constant yearn for food

I say that with hard work and loyalty we can accomplish anything

I dream that hope and prosperity can rein in all that is sick and despairing

I try to comfort the traumatized souls of those who have lost loved ones to hunger

I hope that someday we can all please our stomachs and not go to bed with the rumbling feeling of poverty

I am Senegal!





On the Street 



Further Questions About Africa

Please respond in comments!

  1. How have they been able to keep the government stable?
  2. Since the reason they have poverty is they have lack of knowledge to farm and take care of livestock, why didn't the French teach them since they colonized them?

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